Cancer Awareness: March

My continuing effort to advertise other cancer awareness months and ribbon colors continues.

This month we have two cancers: Colorectal Cancer and Kidney Cancer.


Colorectal (or Colon) Cancer covers any cancer that occurs in the rectum (and parts of large intestine), colon, or appendix. This cancer is represented by the dark blue ribbon. It is the third most common cancer in the world! Worldwide, over a million people are diagnosed a year. Symptoms include rectal bleeding and anemia. It mostly occurs due to lifestyle and age, but a small minority can be genetic. You can reduce your risk of getting this type of cancer by eating more whole grains and fruits and veggies, and by reducing your intake of red meat. Physical activity can also reduce your risk. You should start being screened starting at age 50.



Kidney Cancer is represented by the orange ribbon. There are two different types: renal cell carcinoma (80% of kidney cancers) and urothelial cell carcinoma (20%). Each type is staged differently and has a different prognosis. About 208,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Symptoms include a mass in the abdomen and blood in urine. You can reduce your risk of getting this type of cancer by quitting smoking. (Smoking doubles your risk!) Other risks include: using NSAIDs, obesity, faulty genes, family history, having kidney disease needing dialysis, being infected with Hepatitis B, and previous treatment for testicular or cervical cancer.

As always, know your body!

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