Cancer Awareness: October

I think October is the awareness month that so many people are familiar with, if only for the fact that the pink ribbon products are in their face no matter where they shop. It is so wonderful that breast cancer gets attention, and money towards the cause with the purchase of these items. But, breast cancer shares October with another cancer…one that does NOT get attention with ribbons all over the place: liver cancer.

breast Breast cancer is cancer of the breast tissue, most commonly in the milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. It is represented by the pink ribbon. About 230,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in the US each year, and about 39,000 people will die each year. Breast cancer not only affects humans, but other mammals, as well. Also, it is not exclusive to females…males can can it, too! The most common sign or symptom is a lump in the breast…it is how more than 80% of these cancers are found! Other symptoms include thickening, one breast being visibly larger than the other, a nipple changing position or shape or becoming inverted, skin puckering or dimpling, a rash on or around the nipple, discharge from nipples, pain, and more. The main risks for getting this type of cancer are: being female, age, not having borne children, not having breastfed a baby, higher than normal hormone levels, certain dietary patterns, and obesity.

liverLiver cancer is cancer that originates in the liver. (It does not include cancer that has spread to the liver from elsewhere in the body.) It is represented by the emerald green ribbon. About 30,000 new cases are diagnosed in the US each year, and about 21,000 people die from this type of cancer. Some symptoms include an abdominal mass, abdominal pain, jaundice, nausea, or liver dysfunction. Liver cancer can be caused by a number of different things, with the most common being Hepatitis C. Other causes include: Hepatitis B, cirrhosis, aflatoxin exposure, and obesity. Since Hepatitis B & C are the biggest causes of the cancer, the best way to help prevent this type of cancer is getting vaccinated against Hepatitis B. Since cirrhosis is another major cause, avoiding alcohol can also significantly lower your chances of getting this cancer!

As always, know your bodies!

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