
Lots of appointments this week. I will be in and out of two different hospitals all this week (and was last week, as well.)

My foot will be MRIed on Monday. They will finally determine what is wrong, thanks to a new set of orthopedic doctors. But they seem to think whatever the reason, I will be fitted for a new brace of some sort.

The endocrine bloodwork will happen, over a period of 2 separate days. for one, they need to start an IV.

On top of all this, I am having new pains. The doctors are trying to diagnose what is going on. I went for an ultrasound this past Thursday, but it did not show and blockages or problems with the intestines. The doctors suspected it was a hernia. But, the ultrasound tech said it could still be one, because she can’t see everything. I will be following up, and probably sent for a CTscan or MRI. They will probably try to coordinate it with my surgeon and oncologist, since they both want one, too. For now, I can’t sit up very long, and have to recline or lay down a lot, especially since I am taking painkillers.

This stuff all really frustrates me, sometimes. I know that everything is on God’s time, and not my own. But I pray He’ll hurry up His clock!

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