Updates on Sharon

As many of you know from previous updates, my Aunt Sharon has been having continuous strokes. As her closest relatives, we have been really busy getting everything in order. We fought with the idea of bringing her to live with us here, but that idea is not going to work for a number of reasons. First off, the house itself is not suitable. We would have to convert the current downstairs parlour into her bedroom. It was what we were doing before her most recent trip to the hospital, where she has remained for a while. But the bathroom downstairs has a difficult shower/tub, that would make bathing her in her current state impossible. Because of the damage to the segment to her brain processing sight, we would need to tape each step going into the house and indoors with bright colored duct tape, and place BIG lettered signs on EVERYTHING. The steps in front are really too dangerous for her, steep with no rails. And this is all not even factoring in the dementia. But, most importantly, she needs 24/7 supervision, which we cannot give her. With the family already having to take care of me right now, adding Aunt Sharon to the mix would be overwhelming, especially for my mom. I’m on the 3rd floor, Sharon would be on the 1st, an d she can’t be in two places at once. So, we are in the process of choosing a nursing home or assisted living for her. It is the fairest choice for her to give her the care she deserves, and for not overburdening the family.

In addition to getting nursing care needs in order, Sharon is no longer able to handle her financial affairs, either, so we are also trying to get papers ready for power of attorney and medical proxy, etc. *sigh* It’s been a very busy holiday. I feel so bad because being so sick and stuck in bed, I cannot even visit her. And she is confused to the point that she does not really understand what has and is happening to her.

I do want to say, however, that my dad went to sign the contract to sell his piece of land he inherited from my grandmother quite a few years back. He has been trying to sell it FOREVER with no luck, and my parents have been burdened with paying the high taxes on the property (which is crazy considering it is a vacant plot of land!) Also, thinking it would sell fast, they took out a mortgage on the NJ house to buy this house in PA. So paying that mortgage all these years has been a burden as well. We are all so glad to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

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